Linear feedback shift register degree 4 taps
Linear feedback shift register degree 4 taps

linear feedback shift register degree 4 taps

If we allow a single tap, we get to $b(n)=2n$. Here is an illustration with $n=8$: time elapses from left to right, the MVSFR shifts down, the next bit enters on top, the three taps are marked with *. The state is all-zeroes, except for the next bit that will drop out of the MVFSR. The taps are the next three bits that will drop out of the MVFSR.

linear feedback shift register degree 4 taps

I have a construction with $b(n)=2n-2$ for $n\ge3$. Theory IT-30 (4): 587–594, 1984.I'm reading the question as asking for $b(n)$, the largest possible, such that we can exhibit distinct tap points (in odd number), and $n$-bit state, leading to a periodic sequence of (shortest) period at least $b(n)$ steps. Coppersmith, “Fast evaluation of logarithms in fields of characteristic two,” IEEE Trans. Built-in Test for VLSI, Wiley, New York, 1987, p. Dissertation, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 1987. Hortensius, “Parallel computation of non-deterministic algorithms in VLSI,” Ph.D. McCluskey, “A hybrid design of maximum-length sequence generators,” Proc. Chen, “Linear dependencies on linear feedback shift registers,” IEEE Trans. Dervisoglu, “VLSI self-testing using exhaustive bit patterns,” Tech. Cohn, “Design of universal test sequences for VLSI,” IEEE Trans. 13th Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium (FTCS-13), Milano, June 28–30, 1983, pp. Chen, “Logic test pattern generation using linear codes,” Proc.

linear feedback shift register degree 4 taps

Rosenberg, “Exhaustive generation of bit patterns with applications to VLSI self-testing,” IEEE Trans. Golomb, Shift Register Sequences, Holden Day, San Francisco, 1967. Savir, Built-in Test for VLSI, Wiley, New York, 1987, p.

linear feedback shift register degree 4 taps

McAnney, “Self-testing of multi-chip logic modules,” Digest of Papers, 1982 IEEE Test Conf., Philadelphia, November 15–18, pp. 1979 Test Conf., Cherry Hill, NJ, October, pp. Zwiehoff, “Built-in logic block observation techniques,” Proc.

Linear feedback shift register degree 4 taps