I think you understand the uses and advantages of CSVs, so let’s move on to the tool we’ll use to import them: pgAdmin. This is a very tiny data set, but you can imagine what it would be like with many columns and thousands of rows. Here’s the same information in CSV format: I wonder if you recognize the data I put there. Have a look at the differences between storing data in a table and storing it in a CSV. In addition, CSVs are text files and thus are quite small transferring even large data sets is not a problem.

CSVs are the surest way to save your data they are read by almost all office suites and database management systems (DBMSs). Imagine that you need to export data from a database to a spreadsheet or vice versa. When are CSV files used? Transferring data from one program or platform to another is a main use. This standard is supported by many applications and programs, including Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, and Google Sheets. It is a format for storing data in text files. Don’t worry – it’s easy! What Is a CSV file?ĬSV is short for comma-separated values. We’ll start by explaining what a CSV file is, then we’ll introduce you to pgAdmin and show you how to do the import process. Let's get right into importing CSVs into a Postgres database. Postgres=# \copy array_test from 'import.Do you work with data and use CSV files? Here is a practical guide on how to import such files into a PostgreSQL database using pgAdmin, one of the best PostgreSQL editors on the market. Inside the single ticks, I double up the single tick: postgres=# \copy array_test from 'import.csv' delimiter ',' quote '''' CSVīut Postgres also has dollar quoting, where I form the quote delimiter with double $ on each side, with an optional tag between the $: postgres=# \copy array_test from 'import.csv' delimiter ',' quote $$'$$ CSV Nor does "\'" nor various things like that. At first I thought that I could quote the quote, like "'", but that doesn’t work. I can change the quote but it’s a bit odd. Postgres=# insert into array_test values ( 1, ''" There are plenty of examples of this: postgres=# create table array_test ( pk integer primary key, members varchar array ) In text, you put array values in braces and separate them with commas.

Postgres allows a column to hold multiple values (or almost anything, really). There are many examples with INSERT statements, but I already know how to do that (because there are examples).

I want to import from a CSV file some array values into a Postgres table, but I didn’t find examples.