In any case, if you have a wee one in your family or you’re expecting a new bundle of joy, there’s not much harm in signing up for these kinds of programs. I imagine there’s an “online community” element and there is very clearly a marketing slant to this whole business.

The Similac Club offers “up to $120 in free gifts” for signing up, whereas Enfamil Family Beginnings provides “over $160 in coupons, samples and special offers.” Both of these are free to join and they work in fundamentally the same way as the programs from Nestle Baby and Shoppers Drug Mart. Yes, we’ve also been told that some babies will very much prefer one brand of formula over another. That way, should that need arise, we’re prepared and we can see if Adalynn has a brand preference. We also understand that there are all sorts of circumstances where infant formula may enter the conversation, so we may as well stock up on some free samples. Yes, we completely understand that breast milk is what’s best for baby and it will continue to be our goal to raise Adalynn exclusively on that for as long as we can. Building on that collection, we also signed up for the programs from Enfamil and Similac. We got a bunch of coupons, some diapers and so on. Who doesn’t like free stuff? Before Adalynn showed up, we had already received our care packages from the Nestle Baby Program and the Shoppers Drug Mart VIB Program. That last little piece of advice gels quite well with my naturally frugal tendencies. And babies can be incredibly expensive and that’s why you’ve got to take advantage of as much free stuff as you possibly can. There are times when the baby cries, particularly at night, and she simply will not be consoled. When the baby sleeps, I should be sleeping too. I get it from fellow parents, I get it from healthcare professionals and I get it from the general public. As a new father, I hear a lot of the same advice.