Resolved an issue where, when preparing to enter Conquest, pressing Respawn would sometimes not have any effect whatsoever.Resolved an issue where the map would move as you scrolled downward while having the map enlarged within the Results - Post-Battle analysis interface.The issue mainly pertained to the following maps: Nordtal, Ellbogen, Plattland, Gruenefeld, Dreiwaelder, Westberg, and Steinklippe. Resolved an issue, where at certain Territory War maps, the defenders could enter the attackers' spawn point.Resolved an issue, where on the Conqueror's City map in Territory War, several of the attackers spawn point would not work.Resolved an issue where the flaming pitch wouldn’t deal damage or have an animation on the Conqueror’s City map.Resolved an issue where the Incendiary Archers' Refine Incendiary Oil didn't take effect.Resolved an issue where the effect of the Sipahi Cavalry's Croupade would continue for a longer duration than it should.Resolved an issue where, when the Sipahi Cavalry killed an enemy hero whilst in formation, using Croupade would trigger multiple tramples.

Resolved an issue where in certain circumstances the Pavise Crossbowmen’s rate of fire didn’t work as intended when using the Shield Wall formation.